Tavcom Training Appeals, Complaints & Malpractice Policy

Appeals Procedures
a) It is the responsibility of Tavcom Training as an assessment centre, to make all learners
aware of the appeals procedure and give them access to a copy of the procedure.
b) The Director of Training is responsible for managing the formal appeals process. If
deemed necessary, a formal appeals panel should be set up comprising at least three
people, where at least one member is independent of the assessment process.
c) Written records of all appeals should be maintained by Tavcom Training. These should
include a description of the appeal, the outcome of the appeal and the reason for that

Grounds for Appeal
A learner would have grounds for appeal against an assessment decision in the following
situations. This list is selective and not exhaustive.
a) The work is not assessed according to the set criteria, or the criteria are ambiguous.
b) The final grade of the work does not match the criteria set for grade boundaries or the
grade boundaries are not sufficiently defined.
c) The internal verification procedure contradicts the assessment grades awarded.
d) There is evidence of preferential treatment towards other learners.
e) The conduct of the assessment did not conform to the published requirements of the
Awarding Body
f) Valid, agreed, extenuating circumstances were not taken into account at the time of
assessment, which Tavcom Training was aware of prior to the submission deadline.
g) Agreed deadlines were not observed by staff.
h) The current Assessment Plan was not adhered to.
i) The decision to reject coursework on the grounds of malpractice.

Formal appeal procedures
a) If, after informal discussion with the Internal Verifier, the candidate wishes to make a
formal appeal, the candidate must ask the Internal Verifier, in writing, for a reassessment.
This must be done within 10 working days of receiving the original
assessment result.
b) The Director of Training with the Internal Verifier, on receipt of the formal appeal from
the candidate, will try to seek a solution negotiated between the relevant assessor and
the candidate. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, the Director of Training and
the Internal Verifier will set a date for the Internal Verification Appeals Panel to meet.
c) The Internal Verification Appeals Panel will normally meet within 2 weeks of the
receipt of the appeal by the Internal Programme Verifier, with re-assessment, if deemed
necessary by the panel, taking place within 15 working days of the appeals panel
d) The outcome of the appeal may be:
 Confirmation of original decision.
 A re-assessment by an independent assessor.
 An opportunity to resubmit for assessment within a revised agreed timescale.

Tavcom Training Assessment Malpractice Policy
Learner Misconduct
Misconduct covers a range of offences, which can be collectively described as cheating.
The following is not an exhaustive list and Tavcom Training reserves the right to include
any other type of cheating under the terms of this policy.

a) Plagiarism: taking someone else’s work, images or ideas, whether published or not, and
with or without their permission, and passing them off as your own: thereby not
properly acknowledging the original source. This particularly relates to material
downloaded from the Internet or copied from books
b) Copying the work of other learners with or without their permission and knowingly,
allowing another learner to copy one’s own work.
c) Colluding with other learners to produce work, which is then submitted individually,
except where this is specifically required/allowed by the assessment criteria.
d) Falsely claiming extenuating circumstances to gain an unfair advantage in assessment
e) Submitting work done by another learner as your own.

Investigating Learner Misconduct
There will be an investigation if learner misconduct is suspected which may lead to
disciplinary action.
a) Learners who attempt to gain an award by deceitful means will automatically have their
result(s) suspended (held) pending a thorough investigation by a member of the
Assessment team. The learner will be informed at the earliest opportunity of the nature
of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences.
b) The outcome of the investigation will determine the appropriate course of action to be
taken by Tavcom Training. Any case where learner malpractice is found to be
substantiated will be reported to Pearson
c) If no evidence is found that the learner cheated, then the benefit of the doubt should be
given to the learner and the grade achieved should be awarded.

Dealing with Malpractice
If Tavcom discovers or suspects anyone of malpractice, Tavcom will make the individual
fully aware both verbally and in writing at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged
malpractice and of the possible consequences should malpractice be proven.
If Tavcom makes an allegation against an individual pertaining to the act of malpractice,
Tavcom will give the individual the opportunity to respond (preferably in writing) to the
allegations made.
Tavcom will also inform such individuals of the avenues for appealing should a judgement be
made against them.

Tavcom Training
Formal Appeals and Complaints Procedure
1.) Stage 1
In the first instance, if you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you should write to the
Customer Services Director, so that he has a chance to put things right. In your letter you
should set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the
remedy you are seeking.
You can expect your complaint to be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt. A
thorough internal investigation will follow, and you should get a formal response and
explanation within 15 working days.
2.) Stage 2
If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint, then you can write to the
Operations Director and ask for your complaint and the response to be reviewed. You can
expect the Operations Director to acknowledge your request within 5 working days of receipt
and a response within 15 working days.
3.) Final Stage
If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply from the Operations Director, then you need
to write to the Managing Director stating the reason why you are dissatisfied with the
outcome. You must do this within 10 working days of receiving the written response from the
Operations Director.